The menu system also benefits from a significant performance increase from the rewrite. With this system, it is easy to design customizable HUDs to suit particular players. The new new new extended UI system (nnnxui) brings significant improvements to the menu system as well as increased modularity to the heads-up display. This is done by changing the lighting and model population on lower map effects levels, allowing high end rigs to use all of the engine’s eye candy while still being playable on Intel integrated chips (HD 4600 and newer). Significant work has been exhausted in making the Tesseract engine accessible to lower end computers. Dynamic, procedural vertex colour animation.Ambient occlusion and global illumination.Tesseract brings myriad improvements to the visuals, including the following: The modern, deferred pipeline Tesseract engine replaces the elderly Cube 2 engine used in all prior versions of Red Eclipse. The broad brush changes to the game are instead enumerated below: Tesseract Engine Red Eclipse 2 brings massive changes to all facets of the game, and the numerous improvements and changes are too numerous to list individually. Additional Notes: OpenGL 3.0 with GLSL 1.30.Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 950 / AMD Radeon RX 460.Processor: Intel Core i3-530 / AMD Athlon II X2 260.Additional Notes: OpenGL 2.0 with GLSL 1.20.Graphics: Intel HD 630 / Nvidia GeForce GT 630 / AMD Radeon HD 5750.Processor: Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2180 / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+.If you find you can’t run the game due to insufficient hardware, you might want to try the last release of Red Eclipse v1.6 which runs on Cube Engine 2 alone without the modern renderer from Tesseract. Red Eclipse 2 requires a fairly modern graphics card to run, but is otherwise quite tolerant of hardware specifications.

The Red Eclipse team does not provide support for outdated versions of the software. If you’d rather not use Steam (as described above), you can still download a static installable package, but please note that only the Linux AppImage provides automatic updates, any other version will require you to update your installation manually each release. It is free of charge, and you will get the latest updates automatically, as well as have Steam features available in-game. The best way to play Red Eclipse is by downloading it through Steam. V2.0.0 (Jupiter Edition) Released 19th December 2019